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Nose Surgery – A Brief Overview of the Procedure Involved

Introduction to Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty is a complex and delicate procedure requiring a thorough examination of the nasal profile and finding the best possible route to achieve a good looking nose.

The surgery is performed by a highly experience plastic surgeon having years of experience in the field of cosmetic surgery and Rhinoplasty surgeries. The surgeon takes into account the overall facial traits of the patient and decides on the best route for correcting the defects.

Since nose is the most prominent feature on any face, any slight defect in its shape or size causes embarrassment to the person in social circles. He is often preoccupied with his shortcomings and as such cannot enjoy the company of his family and friends. This causes low confidence and low self-esteem leading to many problems in his life.

The surgery requires fine skills of a reputed plastic surgeon as any mistake while performing the surgery can lead to permanent damage to the delicate nasal structure and thus will leave a scar on the personality of the person.

Unlike other surgeries whose scars are hidden beneath the clothing, this surgery has to be near perfect and should not leave any ugly scars on the nose. The best Rhinoplasty surgery is one that does not let others know that there has been a nasal surgery on the person.


Why is Nose Job Done?

Septum surgery or Rhinoplasty is carried out to either correct health related issues which is called as Functional aspects or aesthetics related issues called as Cosmetic aspects. Patients typically have either of these issues but can have both in some cases.

Functional Aspects: These are the health related issues leading the person to consult the doctor for cure. The case is usually urgent and requires immediate surgical intervention. Any delay in the procedure will lead to deterioration of the patient’s health and may lead to life threatening diseases.

These are usually related to the respiratory system of the body which is vital for the health of the person. Certain conditions will lead to blockages in the respiratory apparatus leading to depriving the organs of oxygen and other necessary elements. This will lead to depriving the organs of life and causing slow death.

The surgeon usually makes sure that the health of the patient is restored and then gives thought to the looks of the nose. In some cases the functional aspects are closely related to the aesthetics of the nose. Correcting the shape will lead to improving of the health of the patient.

 Cosmetic Aspects: These issues are purely related to the looks and aesthetic beauty of the nose when compared to the overall facial contours. The person is usually critical about the shape or size of his nose and wants it to be surgical modified.

There is usually no urgency and both, the surgeon and the patient, can give it a thorough thought and planning before going for the surgery. The doctor has ample time to map out a perfect course of action for achieving the results desired by the patient.

The patient also can give it a second though and decide whether surgical intervention is necessary or other non-surgical measures can be taken to achieve what he desires.

Many celebrities go through this surgery to get a better looking nose which directly affects their career in a positive way. People from all walks of life also find that a better looking nose directly impacts their career prospects and bank balance in an exponential way.

Unfortunately, there are a small percentage of people all around the world who are never satisfied by the results. They opt for revision Rhinoplasty again and again. This ultimately leads to permanent degeneration of the delicate tissues and cartilages in the nose due to constant stress put by surgery and medicine.


Qualifications of the Surgeon Performing Nasal Operation

In order to carry out a Rhinoplasty surgery, the surgeon should have a valid license from the medical board of the country. He should also be a permanent member of the Board of Surgery of his country and should be permitted to carry out such surgeries.

The surgeon should have gone the mandatory training period required to qualify for performing cosmetic surgeries on his own. He should also have trained under a practicing plastic surgeon and should have achieved ‘no objection’ certificate from the surgeon making him eligible to perform such surgeries.

The clinic where the surgeon performs the procedures should be licensed by the local authorities and the medical board. The surgical unit, tools and medical substances used must comply with the mandates laid down by FDA if in USA or an equivalent authority in his country.

He should have a positive track record of successful Rhinoplasty operations performed and visible proof to prove his metal. The patients’ review should be made public along with a way to contact them for cross-checking the results.


Reasons for Carrying Out a Rhinoplasty Surgery

Nose job is usually carried out to correct a wide array of defects in the nose. Some of them are


Procedure Involved in Nose Job

During the initial consultation sessions the surgeon makes a detailed analysis of the nasal shape, ethnic background of the person and typical nose-type seen in his people. He then takes pictures of the nose from various angles and compiles a nasal profile with the help of a 3d imaging program.

The program lets the surgeon simulate the surgery and show what the nose would look like after the surgery. This 3d imaging helps the surgeon as well as patient to decide and make changes to the procedure during this session.

The patient is required to disclose his medical history honestly to the surgeon as failing to do so might lead to unforeseen complications during the surgery. Any allergies, aversions, prior surgeries and medications currently being taken should be disclosed to the surgeon.

After the commitment to surgery, the patient is taken through certain medical tests to gauge his mental and physical fitness. Once the surgeon makes sure that the patient is fit enough to go through the stresses of surgery, he schedules a date for the surgery.

The patient is required to be present for pre-medical check-ups on the day of surgery and should be calm and composed. Any stress o nervousness may cause undue increase in the blood pressure and other vital signs of the body.

The steps involved in surgery are

    Step 1: Administering Anesthesia – The patient is given general anesthesia to render him unconscious for a period of time.

    Step 2: Incisions – The cuts are made either along the columella (the lower part of the nose) or under the nostrils depending on the type of surgery (open or closed Rhinoplasty)

    Step 3: Accessing Interior Structure – The skin is raised and secured with clips and the interior nasal structure is accessed.

    Step 4: Restructuring the Nose – The cartilages, tissues and the nasal bone are modified with surgical instruments to obtain the perfect shape and size.

    Step 5: Securing the new structure – Medical sutures (threads) which are dissolvable are used to secure the new structure.

    Step 6: Closing the Incisions – The skin is lowered and stitched with medical threads. Aluminum splints are placed on the nose to protect it while it heals and takes the new shape permanently.


Recovery Process Involved in Nose Surgery

After the surgery, the patient is discharged from the hospital and can go home within a day. The patient is advised on various aspects to take care of while the nose is healing.

During the first week post-surgery there will be fluids and blood oozing out from the nostrils. The patient is required to frequently clean the fluids and protect the new nose from any infection or wound.

There is a possibility of hematoma (pooling of blood and other fluids in the nasal cavities causing severe infection) after surgery. Therefore, the patient has to gently clean the interiors with antiseptic cleaning agents. He is advised against blowing his nose as this can rupture the nasal walls and cause bleeding.

The patient is advised to keep his head on a higher level compared to rest of his body while sleeping. This avoids any rushing of blood to the upper part of the body and causing pressure on the nose.

The recovery will start within a few weeks where the nose starts taking new shape which is visible. But, complete change is seen after a few months to a year. If the patient is unhappy with the results he is advised to wait until one year so that the wounds are healed and the nose has settled into the new shape.


Closing Comments on Rhinoplasty Surgery

Due to the recent advancements in the field of cosmetic surgery and medical technology, Rhinoplasty surgery is deemed safe by thousands of surgeons and patients throughout the world. If you are unhappy about the shape and size of your nose it is time that you consider either a full-fledged Rhinoplasty surgery or a non-surgical filler injection to achieve your desired shape of nose.


Content Respect: kuwaitrhinoplasty.com


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